About me


I live with my spirituality on dayly baseis and have done so since as far back in my adult life as I can remember with a spiritual identity to veiw life. My intention is both have the consuiusness ni a spiritual and practical way in the plane of being in everyday life.

To have a magical or serten exprerinces of life in a other direction that is not so common to the odernary way of looking att things .

I include in my daily practice meditation reflection honour the dituty and include the the unseen world as an importent element and other things that matter to connect to the talk about them or seek advice in the magical world of the cards. Or if you talk about the power of meditation and the inner world that you visit when you are in a deep state of consciousness.

When you expand your understanding of healing, which has brought me brought me since young years. I myself am a so-called Reiki master and can initiate others in the tradition that I have followed.

. I am happy to share my genuine great knowledge about astrology and the world that has also brought me since a young age.

In that world that is so deeply marked by millennia of cosmic knowledge where we can log on and through a horoscope sail the image of ourselves. Just by looking at and what zodiac sign we have often arouses a curiosity and wonder in most people even if we snort at the the daytime astrology that is not true as we astrologers try to make clear that it is hardly true. But gives a small hint of who we are. Being spiritual is often the work of brave people who flaunt their beliefs in spite of themselves. In today's society, many people feel that we want to be recognised as contributing something very important which that some have forgotten in their quest for the perfect life.

Discovering that you actually have gifts and a rich inner world that you can share with others. like a horn of plenty. As an artist and craftsman, I also work with the spirit in my works and works and products that I create. This website is a heartfelt expression of this. To convey all aspects of life and take it to a sublime level that makes the spirit participate in its actions feels often feels particularly satisfying. Which we, as spiritual beings, give our existence in contribution to our life here in this dimension.

Art has always been my driving force in life alongside the spirituality to create from my potential of beauty.

joy to convey the important things in life as and in symbolic form which has resulted from the creation Of my Tarot cardd deck "The Garden Tarot" which in 6 years time has become to a product which you as a visitor to the site can buy if you wish. I have also created 18 oil paintings of Indian Gods and Goddesses and avatars where my interest in the beauty and mysticism I experience from that God's world and the inspiring encounters I have made in the that culture and all that goes with it. so go to my art section and my website to look at all the categories I express myself in

. as a creative figure, it comes out in the form of other crafts and pastimes to spend time on something that fertilises both the imagination and the spirit at the same time. at the same time. so the magic craft is close at hand. My own philosophy of life is that everything is magical at its core. the universe is more plastic than many people think and we as humans are here to learn how to use our fantastic abilities. fantastic abilities, I am absolutely convinced of that.
