
Death, transformation, end of a cycle, resurrection, deep sleep, rest, reflection, going beyond the known,

The 13th card represents going beyond wholeness and into the 13 lunar turns of an earth year Death is a separation on the physical plane from life as we know it. But death can be a separation on so many other planes of existence as we understand it. When we leave someone or are left on the mental or emotional plane, it is a form of death or separation.


Death is not only a separation from the physical plane often it is an indication of leaving something behind to either rest in what leaves you for a time and then experience the rebirth of something else and the resurgence of life from the absence that has haunted you. A knowledge that nothing is in its form forever except the eternal soul everything changed dies and is reborn in another form to new life.

Dying is a bit like going to bed to sleep, we extinguish our daytime consciousness to go to the regions of the subconscious to return to what we came from or vice versa. In nature, we see the same process of life and death, the greenery that loses its life in the autumn comes back and greens up in the spring all living things leave their seeds to grow and develop in an infinite cycle where death is the dividing line between the two extremes..

.The process of leaving something for something more valuable and higher in the spiritual sense allows us to distinguish between that which is for something more deeply important and that which has no value or potential to what we are giving ourselves to. Sacrifice is something that we may not generally feel comfortable with because it is a symbol of loss rather than entering into a transformation process where something must be given up in order to be gained.

. In the garden tarot I have illustrated death with a scarecrow. The scarecrow like the shape of death is not real, but for many people it is real because it scares us not to approach these thoughts or remind us of its existence. Like the holes in the mantle of death, one can see through its unreal character. and like the freshly ploughed fields of autumn awaiting the white will and the seeds of the cut pupa testify to the longing for when the new life can sprout from what has been dead that will be resurrected in a new form again.