The hermit's card is the 9 and the 9 represents the energy of the moon. in Kabbalah, the Tree of Sephiroth Yesold was delivered, which emphasises waiting. In Celtic mythology, people who wanted to get rid of the ninth wave were thrown out. because it represented the energy of the moon.
neglect, some shall be driven from this world. 9an in the Pythagorean number mysticism, 9an stands for the 9an. is the last digit before the 10 number which is a new level of combined prime numbers where the character of the digit is associated with the personal deep desire to live a life by inner inspiration
a life of inner inspiration and the surrender to the mystery of the inner world to find the light in the darkness and hold the light in one's hand for the inner search without being part of and dependent on the world around and its
part of and dependent on the world around and its need for attention.
The hermit has no place in existence or he avoids it so as not to become part of the spectacle he observes from his own perspective.
even if he is part of it, he tries to separate himself as best he can from the external reality which is not the reality he follows in his mind but sees that his inner reality which is shaped by its expression which he senses.
he is the eternal wanderer who has no real point in existence
The separation between his own imaginary world and the external collective truth as he sees it means that he often reserves the right to enter fully into the external existence in which we live in the collective culture of which he is often or sometimes not a part.
part of.
The hermit tries to manifest his separateness in various ways, thus cultivating his inner self and perhaps creating a fusion between outer and inner reality. In this way, he also becomes aware that all other individuals have their own
sides and worlds parallel to the outer world.
In the garden tarot I have chosen to illustrate him as the wandering man with his lantern shining his way. For he owns nothing in the world but has his light which he spreads his light. he is the wise man who walks for he owns no place like this his home or wanders for he owns his temporary self to find a new place to settle.