Wheel of Frotune

Success, persistent, progressive, cyclical, karma, a given success, work that yields results, outcome. the passage of time, time indications, the rhythm, the dance of different phenomena, the influence and interaction of different entities.

The Wheel of Destiny is the 10th card in the Great Arcana. It is the first card in a new numerological series where 1o stands for a new series where the archetypal the archetypal numbers appear in a different order and colour. Everything is a cyclist, as are the numbers and the events reflected in our lives. It is like a gramophone disc where we walk the same path but in a completely new context and the moods that arise when the music is played. Like the dance of årshjuet where patterns are repeated over and over again. but in new ways, we recreate relationships in our lives in the same way.


.The wheel of destiny is represented in all the different forms of the world, such as the written horoscope, the cyclical diagram of a person or phenomenon that you want to correlate with the starry world, the cyclical cosmic dance through space, the Buddhist mandala, the spinning lotto with its numbered balls that will bring us economic prosperity in our lives.

Even the temples and shrines of ancient places of worship are constructed on the same principle of providing us with a window to the infinite, like the rose windows of the cathedrals, where the divine light passes through the colored glass to remind us of the temporal eternal as well as our own and the spiritual world's recurring encounters that change only by the background against which they are set. .

Happiness comes happiness goes or to be or not to be. are two sayings that are perhaps contradictory to each other but in their entire context that a state is never eternal but constantly changes shape For that which is not is only a temporal state as long as its energy that is represented lasts like our round clocks that gossip about the illusory passage of time how we experience the time between the hands that has passed.

The movement of the wheel like a spinning wheel. the details that sit on our devices that generate energy where the principle of cyclical motion patterns like our experience from the sun that with its light it can heat our entire round globe the effect of magnets spinning around a generator like or a dyno that sits on a wheel that generates and converts motion energy into electricity. the electron particles moving around its core that generates the energy that makes the smallest constituents live and create different properties. Yes everything is small and large circularly rotating motion energy that produces different results and effects.

In the garden tarot, I have depicted the wheel of fortune as a windmill that grinds the grain of the field as the sun first warms the earth which is the prerequisite for the vegetation that the farmer sows and then harvests. the wheat is ground into flour and literally transformed into flour which is then passed on to the baker who bakes the bread and the final product comes back to the earth and the process begins again. So like the wheel of life, which is the wheel itself, we undergo transformative changes and refinement of our human nature. we are all encapsulated in the wheel of life in one way or another.